Sewerage System Design FAQs

Q: Can you help a business to determine their sewerage needs?

A: Yes, we will review numbers of people to be served by a system and the nature of the sewage to be disposed of in order to establish some basic data upon flows within the sewers and the possible means for disposal of that sewage. If you already have a system we can determine whether the existing system is likely to be adequate to meet increases in flows. If it is inadequate we will determine the alterations that have to be made to upgrade the system.

Q: I have an existing land drainage consent that will require revision as a result of the expansion of my sewerage system. Can you obtain a new land drainage consent?

A: Yes, we can manage the application process with the Environment Agency.

Q: I do not know whether I can connect to a public sewer or whether I should use a package sewage treatment plant, can you help me?

A: We can confirm the viability of a connection to the public sewer and compare this with the costs of an appropriate package sewage treatment plant.

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