ISO 14001 FAQs

Q: I wish to become accredited to ISO 14001, the environmental management standard, can you help me?

A: Yes, we can assist you in all of the water related aspects of the accreditation process, including the environmental review, environmental policy formulation, the development of an aspects register, etc.

Q: Could you produce the documentation that we require?

A: Yes, we can prepare any of the documentation that you need to support your water related environmental management strategies. These documents can be incorporated within your water management systems.

Q: Can you tell me some of the areas that we should consider when developing our water management system?

A: You will probably find your own way to structure your approach to determine the impact that your business has on the environment. This may be influenced by processes that you carry out on site or the way that your site is laid out. We generally start at the point of supply and consider the system to the point of use and then look at the disposal of the waste from the point of discharge.

In order to develop a complete picture thought must be given to the protection of water sources, aquifers, streams and lakes as might be affected by the things that you do in both a routine sense and in situations that may arise through emergencies or failure of your processes.

Once you have structured the way in which you will review your management system there are many areas to consider within each element of the system, wastage, misuse, legislation, identification, records, improvements, objectives, etc.

Q: We can prepare documentation to support most of the environmental standard, could you help us with specific elements that we find difficult?

A: Yes, we are always happy to help wherever we can. If, for example, you would like a detailed look at your water usage or some checks to assess levels of leakage and wastage we are able to do so.

We also conduct diagnostic reviews of water usage and water audits to investigate how systems are managed and how they perform.